Friday, March 6, 2009

Foooooood Frustration

I have a serious love hate relationship with food right now, mostly with buying it. I will go a whole day knowing that we're going to go grocery shopping when Dave gets off of work, but when we actually get to the store, I just don't. feel. like. doing. it.

I usually get good (or possibly too good) grocery shopping done when I'm hungry. But I'm pregnant, so when I'm hungry I don't feel right. So I do my best to make sure I'm not hungry! Ever! So we're going to the grocery store tonight for the third time this week, and we'll have to see how it goes.

Last night the plan was to go to Albertson's for produce and meat. We left with 2 oranges, 4 golden delicious apples, a bunch of bananas, pork chops, a frozen pizza and a dozen donuts. Not exactly what I had in mind going into it.

I think part of it is that I sit down to try to think of dinner meals, so I can buy the needed meats accordingly. But I can't think of any dinners to make. Besides the fact that nothing sounds good. Very frustrating.